At its core, this venture represents a groundbreaking NFT project with a visionary goal. Our mission revolves around transforming the NFT designs we sell into tangible toys, presenting them to the global market for enthusiasts of all ages. The decision-making process for determining which NFTs will come to life is decentralized, as our DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) empowers the community to collectively decide the course of our creative journey.

First Step is Crowdfunding

We fund the project through NFT. The reason for this is that their benefits are more. Holders will be able to trade with the NFTs they have or keep them in their wallets to invest in the future.

Second Step is Manufacturing

Once the NFT phase is completed, the production phase will begin. The production phase will enable holders to make profits, both singular and plural.

Moreover, collectors who own these NFT pieces will have the unique opportunity to actively participate in the selection of which designs make it to production through a voting system.